"Dozhinki-2023 in Gantsevichi

"Dozhinki-2023 in Gantsevichi

Farmers and agricultural enterprises of the Brest region were the first to celebrate Dozhinki. The best agricultural workers were congratulated in Gantsevichi on September 9. A generous festival was organized for residents and guests, which brought together the most advanced enterprises of the Brest region. Brest Meat Processing Plant is a regular participant in the regional festival. Dance master classes, music sets, games for children and adults are just part of the entertainment program. A beautiful photo zone with real sunflowers was in the center of attention in our location. Also, each participant of the festival was able to treat himself to our fried meat dumplings and smoked sausages during a tasting in the food zone. As a result of the event, our enterprise became one of the most interesting and visited locations at the Dozhinki-2023 festival "

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